Greece and Crete landscapes, oil painting and watercolorsI was probably 7 or 8 years old when I underwent an operation of the eyes which plunged me into darkness for a week. To make me wait, my mother read me the Iliad and the Odyssey. My imagination got carried away by that mythical Greece and its heroes; my love for the Greek history grew even more in first form and finally never stopped. I visited Greece for the first time in the eighties. Since, I’ve never stopped going back there. This country, its inhabitants, its landscapes seduced me so much. My watercolours and oils try to share with you that emotion which overcomes me every time I step on the Greek soil. |
Paintings of Greece and crete - Page 001Click on the thumbnails of the images to enlarge - Page : 1
Page : 1 Themes : Trees, forest - Streams, lakes, rivers - Skies, clouds - Mountain - Desert - Seascapes, coral - Mineral, rocks - Plants, flowers, Cities, architecture - Paris - Villages, countryside - Greece - Europe - Asia - Africa - Americas - People, characters - Animals - Myths, legends, fantasy